Our School » Emergencies



Fire drills are conducted monthly while earthquake and hostile intruder drills are held several times throughout the year. In accordance with California law, the Governing Board must review annually district emergency procedure plans. The following procedures have been adopted by the Governing Board and shall remain in effect until further notice.

In Case of an Emergency

It is the declared policy of the Governing Board of the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District to release pupils from school in the event of a disaster or emergency situation. During such an emergency, those students who provide their own transportation or walk to school will be expected to get home by the same method during the emergency and the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District will transport those pupils who normally use the school bus.

However we will not send children home to unknown dangers so please be prepared to come and pick up your child. We would keep your child at school until parents or an authorized adult could be contacted. An Emergency Operations Center will be set up to facilitate the orderly release of children.